We are an incorporated association and operate on a not-for-profit basis. We do raise and spend funds, but the aim is to put funds back into promotion of the breed. Our Constitution, including aims and objectives, is shown at the top of the Membership application page.
Trakehners originated as a stud book breed in what was then East Prussia in 1732. The Trakehner Verband eV operates the Trakehner studbook and services in Germany. The studbook has only ever allowed "outcrosses" of registered and approved Thoroughbreds, Arabs and Anglo Arabs. For a Trakehner to be "pure" no other warmblood or other horse or pony breed is permitted within a minimum of a six generation pedigree.
Trakehners Australia Inc registers Trakehner horses in Australia.
- Registration of eligible pureblood with the Trakehner Verband eV is encouraged and facilitated by Trakehners Australia Inc. This involves grading by a Verband authorised assessor who Trakehners Australia has come "on tour" each year.
- Pure Trakehners that are not eligible for Verband registration may be registered by Trakehners Australia Inc. There are various "classes" of registration. We have the Verband authorised assessor do the gradings for the TA registrations. For more detail, see the Registration pages.
- Unlike the Verband, Trakehners Australia Inc runs a part-bred or derivative register for horses with at least 25% Trakehner blood, with no restriction on the breed/s in the remaining bloodlines. This is a recognition of the importance of Trakehner bloodlines as a sport horse improver across a range of other horse breeds and studbooks.
Our members may participate as breeders, owners, lessees, riders or supporters of Trakehners.
Trakehners are out there in Australia, and internationally, competing in most FEI disciplines, including: Dressage, Eventing, Jumping, Endurance. You will see and hear of Trakehners competing in special and para equestrian games, up to and including the Paralympics.
The long breeding and selection history dating from 1732 has led to a breed that is unsurpassed for their talent, temperament, athleticism, rideability, trainability, character, willingness ... and outright beauty. For all these reasons, Trakehners Australia Inc strives to uphold the same standards as the Trakehner Verband to ensure the continued development of this superb breed in Australia.