Membership categories
The type of membership you have is determined by whether you own or lease a Trakehner horse, whether you breed Trakehners and/or and whether you wish to have a vote as a member.
Trakehners Australia Inc encourages ALL Trakehner enthusiasts to join as a member, whether or not you own or lease a Trakehner. We welcome your thoughts, input and participation in our activities.
The Trakehners Australia membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June. Members joining for the first time in May will have their memberships valid until 30 June of the following year (up to a two month bonus).
On 31 October 2021, the Trakehners Australia Inc membership voted in a new set of Rules and Basic Breeding Rules by special resolution (see the Committee and Rules tab for the details). Under these "new" Rules, the classes of membership are:
"A Breeder Member"
- Is a person who owns a mare or stallion registered in either the Trakehners Australia Studbook A or B, or the Trakehner Verband Studbook 1 or 2; or who has a lease on such a mare or stallion that is recorded with the TA or TV; and
- Who has declared as part of their membership or membership renewal that they are intending to join mare/s or stand their stallion/s at private or public stud in that financial year’s breeding season.
- May hold an executive role on the committee
- Has full voting rights and any other rights conferred on members by the rules or approved by resolution at a general meeting or determined by the committee.
- May also be a rider for purposes of Trakehners Australia awards.
"A Junior Breeder Member"
- is a person under 18 years of age who owns a mare or stallion registered in either the Trakehners Australia Studbook A or B, or the Trakehner Verband Studbook 1 or 2; or who has a lease on such a mare or stallion that is recorded with the TA or TV; and
- Who has declared as part of their membership or membership renewal that they are intending to join mare/s or stand their stallion/s at private or public stud in that financial year’s breeding season.
- cannot hold a committee position;
- may hold a sub-committee role;
- does not have voting rights.
- May also be a rider for purposes of Trakehners Australia awards.
"An owner-rider member"
- Is a person who owns or leases a mare, stallion or gelding that is registered as a pureblood Trakehner by either Trakehners Australia Inc or the Trakener Verband, or as a partbred with Trakehners Australia Inc.
- May hold a general committee position.
- Has voting rights other than a right to vote on change to these rules or any by laws about breeding
- Has any other rights conferred on members by these rules or approved by resolution at general meeting or determined by the committee.
"A junior owner-rider member"
- Is a person under 18 years of age who owns or leases a mare, stallion or gelding that is registered as a pureblood Trakehner by either Trakehners Australia Inc or the Trakener Verband, or as a partbred with Trakehners Australia Inc.
- cannot hold a committee position;
- may hold a sub-committee role;
- does not have voting rights.
"An associate member"
- has the rights conferred on members by these rules or approved by resolution at a general meeting or determined by the committee;
- does not have voting rights except for a life member who is also a breeder member or owner-rider member;
- may not hold a committee position, except for a life member who is also a breeder member or owner-rider member;
- may hold a sub-committee position.
Associate members are kept informed of all TA activities and are encouraged to participate in them. If you are an associate member and acquire a Trakehner (own or lease), you may upgrade your membership by submitting a new membership form and payment of the upgrade fee.
You will need to name a current Trakehners Australia Inc member who is proposing you for membership, and another Trakehners Australia Inc current member who is seconding your membership application. If you do not know members to propose and second you, don't despair, please submit your application noting that you need Committee assistance with a proposer and.or seconder. A committee member may contact you to discuss proposing and/or seconding your application.
Membership applications, including renewals, are considered by the Committee at the next meeting. You will be advised of the outcome, usually by email.