Why be a TA member?
- You are passionate about the Trakehner breed
- You want to contribute as a breeder, owner, rider or enthusiast
- You want recognition or "your" breed
Please go to the main membership tab or read the TA Inc Rules and Basic Breeding Rules for a full understanding of membership matters.
A Breeder Member can:
- Have your say in how TA promotes and improves the Trakehner breed in Australia, with full voting rights - your input is welcomed. You can express interest in joining the TA committee, either to fill a casual vacancy or to stand as a candidate for a position at the AGM. (Note: Junior Breeder Members, being under 18 do not have a vote and cannot be on committee)
- Can have a free listing on our "Breeders/Studs" page to promote your horses and link to horses you have available for sale. lease or stud services.
An Owner-Rider Member can:
- Have your say in how TA promotes the Trakehner breed in Australia, with voting rights other than about breeding matters or rules changes (Note: Junior Owner-Rider members being under 18 do not have a vote).
- Participate in Leaderboard awards
Breeder Members and Owner-Rider members:
- Can register your pure or partbreds with TA Inc.
- Can advertise their registered Trakehner horses free of charge on our webpage and on our facebook page.
- You earn the right to proudly use and display the TA logo on your property, stud, stables, float, saddlecloth, rugs etc.
- You can participate in the grading "tours" conducted with a Trakehner Verband commissioner grading horses and providing advice to breeders about their breeding goals.
- Your Trakehner registered with TA (or with the German TV) is recognised by most Agricultural Show societies as eligible to compete in Warmblood classes, and more importantly in Trakehner classes.
For all classes of member:
- You may participate in Committee activities as a sub-committee member on invitation from the Committee. This may be for promotion of Trakehners generally or for specific task and events. TA Inc values the expertise and input of all members.
- You can provide suggestions to the committee for discussion. You may be invited to speak to your suggestions at committee meetings.
- You can participate in presenting TA Inc sponsored awards at events across Australia, and/or may be authorised as a TA representative at events to help promote the breed.
- You become part of a community interested in furthering the breed and, subject to permission of the individual members, you are able to communicate with other members. (eg: A members' only forum is currently a work in progress, and will soon be available on Facebook).
- Posts you wish to share to the TA facebook page are given priority over non-member post requests.